Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Left My Heart In London

Those of you who are regular followers of my blog, or friends, will know that I recently spent a month in London. I had an amazing time, and most importantly fell in love. As I sit here writing this, I have tears running down my cheeks, and what feels like a golf ball in my throat *pause for blurry eyes*… I am sure you are all thinking that these are surely not symptoms of love.

Perhaps this is how people in long distance relationships feel. You see, after a month of spending nearly every minute together, we are no longer together. We live on different continents, and knowing it will be about nine months until we see each other again breaks my heart.

In the short time we were together I watched my baby girl change so much. She grew taller and taller each day, she learned to create new sounds, she discovered her hands – and best of all she giggled, right from her belly! I am miserable to think of all the things I will miss in the next nine months, and even sadder to think that when we do see each other again, she probably won’t even remember me.

I am generally not this soppy – I am sure many of you never even knew I had this in me. But my beautiful niece has changed me. She has made me feel a love that I never imagined could exist. Such an intense, almost painful love, that grew so suddenly.

I wonder how long this aching will last...

Promise the next post won't be so emo.

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